36. Motor Voter & Sanctuary Cities, Counties & States
This paper will look at the likelihood that illegals, some of whom are awaiting hearings and a significant number that are undetected have been improperly placed on voter rolls in violation of Federal law. Let’s try to answer the questions of how, where, when and why this influx of illegal aliens may be a significant presence on our voter rolls? Finally, we will make some comments on what the likely magnitude, scope and frequency of voter roll penetrations by illegals might be and what should be done about it.
First, let’s take a look at three disparate and independent political actions overtime that have comingled to facilitate the placement of illegal aliens on our voter roll, a felony violation and why it occurs undetected. During the last four years, record numbers of migrants have entered, some seeking asylum many undetected.
These three political actions are creating the influx of illegals and the vulnerability that they end up on the voter roll: 1) Gifts from the federal government and sanctuary cities, counties and states inviting migrants. A change in federal policies granting a new stream of financial incentives to illegals, even though only 5%-8% will receive asylum. The current federal monetary incentives for migrants include, free airfare into the country and within the country, free train and bus transportation, free cell phones, a free monetary stipend, additional free monthly payments during the illegals stay. These perks augment the following benefits that pre-existed prior to 2020 that gives access to; even though they are technically restricted a) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), b) Temporary Assistance for Needy families (TAOF), c) emergency Medicaid (includes labor and delivery) d) Full-Scope Medicaid. e) Good Samaritan, free medical treatment at all emergency rooms.
2) Changes in State, City and County laws allowing sanctuaries for migrants. All “sanctuaries” allow non-citizen migrants to obtain driver licenses without proof of citizenship or even temporary residency and access to the voter rolls. 3) The National Voter Registration Act of 1993(NVRA) known as “Voter Motor” was passed by Bill Clinton on May 20, 1993, this federal law required the states to offer registration on voter rolls to all driver license applicants. So, if you are in one of the 13 sanctuary states (including the two most populous states) or one of the 133 sanctuary cities or counties you can get a driver’s license without a birth certificate, passport or social security number and by checking a box be on the voter roll. The confluence of these three events in a deficit dependent Federal environment imposes significant costs, that are unsustainable.
When motor voter was passed, the intent was to increase voter participation by making it less of a hassle to register to vote. NVRA required each state to 1) have a voter registration application issued simultaneously with each driver’s license. 2) Have the ability to vote by mail. 3) An applicant could apply in person at any state federal or designated non-governmental office to vote. Today each state is required to offer voter registration to any individual that applies for a driver’s license This ‘motor voter’ provision allows the applicant to ‘swear’ to his or her citizenship under penalty of perjury, by checking a box ‘yes’ to be placed on the voter roll, but does not specifically authorize (nor explicitly deny) the states ability to verify citizenship through formal documentation. Today 46 states comply with NVRA, registering voters through DMV. [Public Interest Legal Foundation, Aug. 2018].
The question immediately became what were sanctuary cities, counties and states requiring of applicants to get a driver’s license and therefore access to being placed on the voter roll?
Following motor voter’s (NVRA’s) passage, sanctuary cities, counties and states were liberalizing their requirements to get drivers licenses. Transportation is needed in most cases even by illegal immigrants who are awaiting their hearing to work Illegals are given access to driver’s licenses and therefore by checking a box ‘yes’ can be placed on voter rolls. This attestation of citizenry, under penalty of perjury that the applicant is a US citizen largely goes unchecked. Violations are subject to a fine and up to a year in prison and may also result in deportation. [Bipartisan Policy Center by Brown, March 13, 2024.]
This paper will focus on the Biden Years 2020 through 2024 when the borders of our country have been largely open and the federal political class, and the local political class have given access to our voter rolls. By giving non-citizens drivers licenses the law invites an unaccounted-for number of non-citizen migrants onto our voter rolls.
Although Voter Motor was well intended, when combined with special treatments in sanctuary cities, counties and states under a federal policy of a largely open border has become a toxic mix violating US citizens right to vote and placing additional burdens on our debt-funded welfare system. The Center for Immigration Studies (June 7, 2024) lists the following as sanctuary states; California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Utah, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. The study lists 133 sanctuary Cities and Counties. The Federation of American Immigration Reform in June of 2023, estimated there were 16.8 million illegal aliens in the US. In an article titled Illegal Immigration in the United States estimated there were 10.99 million illegals at the end of 2022. [Statista, July 3, 2024, by Verra Korhonen].
There are currently (as of June 24, 2024) 3,598,580 active immigration cases pending of which 1,397,126 have filed formal asylum claims. We can estimate that 40%-50 will not show up reducing those backlogged that will appear in Court to a range of 1,439,432 to 1,799,290. From January to August of 2023, 35,652 cases were heard and 8,200 of them were from before 2018. Of the group that appeared 14.4%, 5,134 were granted Asylum, after being checked that they are not on the voter roll or. Only after amnesty is granted is the recipient alien checked to see if he or she is on the voter roll. The other 92%-95% of migrant could easily appear on the voter roll.
“In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that 3% of the 30,000 individuals called for jury duty from voter registration rolls over a two-year period in just one U.S. district court were not U.S. citizens. “ [The Threat of Non-Citizen Voting, by Hans von Skakovsky, July 10, 2008].
“Welfare offices and other agencies in at least 46 US states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship. . .. Every state but North Dakata, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Wyoming give applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail in ballots federal voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship.”
It continues, “If an applicant attests that they are a U.S. citizen, that is considered valid on its face and the person is registered to vote-except in Virginia, Tennessee and New Mexico where they must provide a full social security number as well.” [ Josh Christianson, NY Post].
Today the easy way to enter the U.S. is to cross the border and claim asylum, which requires your life to be in grave danger. Of those who enter this way after years of waiting only 5%-8% are granted asylum. If we knew how many got-aways entered the numbers would be even less. So at least 92% to 95% of the illegal entrants are lying to get it. Do you blame them? Of course not, our government’s policy is worse than bad, its nonsensical. Cartels coach new claimants on what to say and charge them substantial fees to bring them into the country to make a false claim or to enter undetected. The system of entry at our borders is broken.
We are a nation of immigrants. The present easy placement of non-citizen migrants on the U.S. voter rolls must stop and must require citizenship. The rules defining citizenship and voting rights have no value if other rules or laws allow their violation, independent of what the intent is. Enforceable rules regarding elections by citizens and lawful migration is essential to the integrity of our elections and to affirm that a nation must have defined borders and enforceable and rational rules of entry.
The United States has always offered asylum to anyone who claims their life is in danger usually for political or religious reasons. The offer of asylum is at the heart of our greatness. However, the offer of asylum is being abused. When 92% to 95% of the migrant claimants don’t qualify for asylum the offer of asylum, should be stopped in its current form. First of all, if asylum seekers really face the threat of death in their country why don’t they seek asylum in the country next door? Why travel through numerous countries and in some instances continents to claim asylum? Any asylum seeker from a non-border country to the U.S. must not be allowed entry but can apply for asylum from the country they are in and that process can be simplified and expedited. The policy that asylum seekers are only admitted from bordering countries would stop over 90% of all present migrations and essentially cure the problem at the border. Also, other migrant aspirants should be broadened and made easier. For example, student visa’s entering four-year college education should be offered a program that if registered in early enough, would allow them to convert to a green card when they graduated. Also, employer sponsorships should be expanded making the employer responsible for the migrant aspirant.
The advertisements of gifts for migrant aspirants, flying 500,000 aspirants into the country, flying them within the country, offering cellphones, cash, monthly payments, shelter must stop. Stoppage is a part of getting control of our deficit spending to prevent currency collapse.
Finally, the fix to NVRA (motor voter) is relatively simple. Every state that offers voter roll registration must require a valid social security number that would be verified before placing them on a voter roll. The current voter rolls must all be expunged of migrant non-citizens. Finally, Sanctuary states, cities and counties must comply or all federal funds and assistance will be promptly stopped. Also, police domiciled in “sanctuaries” must fully cooperate with US Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) and all federal laws concerning migrant aspirants.
Have a blessed week!
Tony Christ
From Sunshine and Transparency